When some people think about parades, they picture a few floats and marching bands, perhaps a beauty queen and her court, and a local politician or two waving at the onlookers. Something like
this. Being from San Francisco, however, means that when I think about parades, I think of huge strings of firecrackers, dancing lumberjacks, Shriners in fezzes, drag queens, and tens of thousands of people. Here are a few photos that I've taken at recent parades:
This dragon closes every Chinese New Year Parade in San Francisco |
Shriners in their tiny cars at the St. Patrick's Day Parade |
My favorite marching band, the CSU-Humboldt Lumberjacks. |
The Pride Parade wouldn't be complete without these ladies... |
...or this gent. |
Now this is my kind of float (at the Italian Heritage Parade). |
But of course, my all time favorite parade was the
2010 Giants World Series Champion Parade. |